"That I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel" Ephesians 6:19
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Teen Girl
March 1, 2009. Day Sixty. Sunday. I spoke with an unconverted young teenage girl about the condition of her soul. We didn't talk long but the goal was toward her conversion.
Friday night I had to stay late at work with one of my managers, because the floor guys were there to wax the floor. Early into Saturday morning, my manager and I talked about different religions and about his religion and what I believe. He's Vietnamese, so he has a Buddhist perspective of God.
I got lots of learnin when I was in cemetery. I also gots books I try to read. I has preecht throo most of the books of the Bible spositorally. I is marreed and has 4 youngins---3 is gurlz. Me am indipendint Babtist. Pleeez reed my blog.
Friday night I had to stay late at work with one of my managers, because the floor guys were there to wax the floor. Early into Saturday morning, my manager and I talked about different religions and about his religion and what I believe. He's Vietnamese, so he has a Buddhist perspective of God.