Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Ref

January 15, 2009. Day Fifteen. Thursday. I knew my day was full. I expected one contact at least with an unbeliever. I started thinking about it well before I reached that point. I gave the referee a tract after our basketball game.


  1. You sent me to the Post Office. Standing in line, I talked to Rudy for a little about Jesus and salvation and gave him a tract.

    Outside of the post office, I talked with Charlie, a senior citizen collecting bottles with a shopping cart. He is Catholic. I explained to him that no one is saved by good deeds and sacraments. Such was the conversation. I left him a tract.

  2. Oh the basketball game...

    I talked to Gloria in the nursing home. My wife and I have been working with her for quite some time now. She feels very sorry for herself and is very depressed. I tried to get her to see the goodness of God, the peace that He offers, and how that she was actually blaming God for her circumstances. I think she was convicted but still felt sorry for herself.
    I know it's the goodness of God that leads to repentance, but I don't know how else to help her see.
